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CyberSec Skills Summit 2021

European CyberSec Skills Summit

First Ever Cybersecurity Skills Summit

  • Online event
  • Exclusive opportunity
  • Common Youth IGF - Microsoft certificate
  • Free
  • Mandatory registration

Major industry CEOs and policy-makers, as well as representatives of the younger generation, are expected to attend.

Youth IGF

Youth IGF Movement together with the Swiss government present the First ever Cybersecurity Skills Summit

The Youth IGF has come up with the idea of organising the first ever European Cybersecurity Skills Summit. It took place on 19-20 May, 2021 in a virtual format. Major industry CEOs and policy-makers, as well as representatives of the younger generation attended the event.
The idea of the Summit is based on recommendations that emerged from a large consultation led by the Youth IGF in 2020. It involved youth, market and policy actors that tried to understand the market, challenges and approaches in addressing the cybersecurity skills gap in Europe.

The Youth IGF Movement has come up with the idea of organizing the first ever European Cybersecurity Skills Summit. Microsoft Corporation is the diamond sponsor of the event.    

The first ever European Cybersecurity Skills Summit will take place on 19-20 May, 2021 in a virtual format.

Major industry leaders and policy-makers, as well as youth representatives, are expected to attend. 

The idea of the Summit is based on recommendations that emerged from a large consultation led by the Youth IGF in 2020. It involved youth, business and policy actors that tried to understand the cybersecurity market, its challenges and approaches in addressing the cybersecurity skills gap in Europe.
The Summit supports the Paris Call and the implementation of the National strategy for the protection of Switzerland against cyber risks. The Summit also supports the implementation of the European Skills Agenda, as a part of Europe’s Digital Decade, to ensure that people have the right skills for jobs.

The Cyber Security Summit contributes to forming a cybersecurity skills hub in Europe.

The main goal of the Summit is to create better opportunities for young people in the cybersecurity area by helping to eliminate the cybersecurity skills gap.


Day 1 – 3:30pm BRX - 5:30pm BRX
(You can watch the recorded video of day 1).

European CyberSec Skills Summit

Session 1 - 3:30pm BRX - 4:45 pm BRX
Opening Followed by exclusive Talks by:

Casper Klynge
Marina Kaljurand
Emil Ivov
Chris Painter

Chris Painter

PRESIDENT The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise Foundation

Former top US Cyber Diplomat

FB Watch @globalyouthigf

19 May, 2021 at 4:15pm BRX

European CyberSec Skills Summit 


Day 2 – 2:30pm BRX - 5:30pm BRX
(You can watch the recorded video of day 2)

European CyberSec Skills Summit

Opening - 2:30pm BRX - 3:00pm BRX